Can Emotion Code Help with Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Symptoms? Yes, it can.
Even Post Traumatic Stress symptoms? Yes! To all these questions.
Finally, something that works and is easy.
What have you got to lose?
Here are the facts:
A research article published in Alternative and Integrative Medicine which was published in February of 2021 reports “significant decreases in self-reported symptomology in all three mental health categories” (of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic disorder) from the Emotion Code Energy Healing Modality.”
To read that article click here.
We are blessed to have people following and doing studies on mental health and Emotion Code.
Real-Life Results From My Clients
I would like you to hear from two of my clients, each with their own story to tell about the benefits of this work.
Person #1

David from British Columbia, Canada, who by nature is a skeptic and a critic, had anxiety about an upcoming surgery.
He found out that even being skeptical did not stop the benefits of the Emotion Code.
See further down for his story and the benefits he experienced as a result of our work together.
Person #2
Nancy from Portugal, who suffered from post-traumatic disorder for many years after suffering an act of extreme violence against her, followed by losing her fiancé to a sudden,
tragic death. As if that was not bad enough, she was also stalked. Life was hard. She ended up having many anxiety attacks, and physical symptoms of stress by the time she sought me out for help a couple of decades after all that.

As a result of our work together, she now reports a new sense of freedom and sense of personal power.
And a renewed zest for life.
It was a healing journey that ended well.
Person #3
V. Dolenuk from Manitoba
“I was not too sure what to expect. But my first session blew me away. It was far more powerful than I ever thought possible. Sign me up for more.”
Person #4
Jolanda V, from Utah.
I had 3 sessions with Doris and she did an excellent job. I really felt a connection with her. She is a warm, caring, and sincere person. I felt safe. After each session, I could feel the tension leaving my body. Such a relief!
These are only a few examples (of many) of the benefits my clients enjoyed.
What The Research Says
Let us discuss the research in Alternative and Integrative Medicine and what the researchers concluded.
It did not matter whether the person had few symptoms or many at the beginning of the study. The participants all benefited from significantly decreased symptoms. That was true of symptoms of anxiety, depression as well as PTSD. *
They stated the benefits are “not limited to adults, but that this is also equally effective on children and animals, even when they are not aware of being worked on. *
“These results suggest that the EC healing method may be a useful tool in aiding to decrease reported symptoms in the areas of anxiety, PTSD, and depression."
Is This Easy and Painless for me?
The wonderful piece in Emotion Code is you do not have to relive any memory, nor do you have to even remember what the situation was. All of that information is stored in the data bank of your subconscious mind. That data can be easily accessed by a trained, licensed practitioner as simply as your cell phone calling another cell phone.
Not Familiar With The Emotion Code?
Here is a quick summary.
The founder of the Emotion Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson, believes that negative emotions trapped in the body can be released either by or in combination with the application of a magnetic field (a magnet or via the hand of the practitioner) and with intention.
The negative emotions are found by connecting to the subconscious mind and then removed by employing the magnetic energy field of the hand; much like erasing the memory of a hotel room key by swiping with a magnet.
Is This Okay If I Have A Talk Therapist?
A talk therapist is not equipped or able to access your subconscious mind, (which the Emotion Code can) so this method will complement any other therapy you choose to do alongside it. Emotion Code works quite well on its own in most cases.
What David Has To Say (In His Own Words)
Dave found out that even being skeptical did not stop the benefits of the Emotion Code. Here is his story in his own words:

"I still cannot believe it!
Some 50 years ago, my uncle underwent surgery for Parkinson’s. The surgery involved drilling into his skull and placing probes in his brain. It had to be done while he was fully conscious so that he could respond to commands like “lift your arm.” The surgery was not 100% successful, and it left me with a vivid imagination of what it would have been like for him to undergo it.
Now, 50 years later, I was diagnosed with excess fluid on the brain, and a stent was required. As the surgery date approached, I became more and more nervous and became unable to eat, sleep or even think rationally. “Terrified” would be an apt description. My pulse rate was incredible, and my blood pressure was “through the roof.” The “fight or flight reflex” had indeed kicked in. I was warned that my adrenaline levels could potentially make the anesthetic challenging to administer.
At that point, I contacted Doris, whom I had known since my university days, who offered to help.
I am, by nature, a skeptic and a cynic.
When she outlined how the system worked, I laughed. How could any of this “trapped emotions” stuff be the cause of a justifiable fear of getting holes drilled in my skull?... Doris then stumped me by asking “what have you got to lose”?
What Have You Got To Lose?
So we proceeded. For 4 days, Doris talked to me on the phone, and I could hear the clicking of computer keys while she mumbled things like “let’s see if we can clear that – no - have to clear something else first.”
Each evening, she sent me a “progress report,” which I did not comprehend and after the first day, I did not bother to read it.
Day four was the day before my surgery. I was able to eat (except for the pre-surgery dietary restrictions), my emotions were under control, and that night I slept like a baby, arriving for my surgery rested and with normal blood pressure and pulse rates!
No – cannot explain it.
It worked. She got me through the surgery, de-stressed, and rested. It worked.
My skeptical nature says it could not work, but Doris got me through the ordeal through some mechanism that I cannot understand.
It worked.
And I still cannot believe it!"
David had this to say at the end: "What have you got to lose?"
What Are You Waiting For?
Click the link below and get started now!

written by:
Doris Morissette
Retired after a 23-year career as Registered Nurse
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Body Code Practitioner
SRT Global Coach (Subconscious Release Technique)
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