Pet Testimonies
Doris has such a soothing voice and presence

What might relate to the insecurities that Charlie experienced in the past as well as those about me? Unlocking those mysteries is a specialty for Doris and, wow, is she ever good at it!" To read more about newly rescued Charlie, please see story below. Thank you! Joan Mootry, Spokane, Washington State, USA​
Editor notes: The image above is a "stock photo". The real picture of Charlie is below.
Charlie, The Car Sick Dog

Little did I know that newly rescued Charlie, a darling 7-month-old "phantom" miniature poodle, would become severely car sick during the 2-hour drive to my daughter's home in Snoqualmie, WA.
His nausea presented immediately with excessive drooling, followed by vomiting, none of which ceased during the entire drive. I had not experienced this with any dog in my long life.
Nor had I foreseen that just three days later one of my daughter's rambunctious dogs would crash into little Charlie, breaking both bones in his right front leg. Getting orthopedic surgery and driving back to my own home caused, even more, car sickness for Charlie, now encumbered by pain, surgical trauma, and a lengthy healing process.
Charlie in foreground with my
older poodle, Molly in back.
During his recovery, I attempted to simply bring Charlie into the parked car to sit with me quietly and go nowhere. Immediately he would begin drooling and remain immobile. It was during this time that I appealed to Doris (Restored For Life) to see if she could help determine the cause of this carsickness, with a view to eventually eliminate it. We have so far had two sessions and I am happy to report very positive results.
First, my own experience with her methods has been extremely relaxing and comforting. Doris has such a soothing voice and presence that I found myself being nurtured by it and by her gentle unfolding of the possibilities for this car sick dog. What might relate to the insecurities that Charlie experienced in the past as well as those about me? Unlocking those mysteries is a specialty for Doris and, wow, is she ever good at it!
After the first session with Doris, I again put Charlie into the parked car, and he drooled less and even took a few little treats from me. After the second session with Doris, Charlie drooled not at all, began crossing over the console to get closer to the treats and me. Yesterday, I took a huge leap of faith and actually started the car and drove him and my older female poodle, Molly, to the groomer, a 45-minute trip. At first, Charlie looked pretty stricken, and would not accept any treats, drooled a bit, but we made it to our destination with no vomiting. Happily, on our way home, I saw a big improvement when Charlie crawled into my lap and began looking out the window ... two firsts! There was a little saliva on his face that got onto my blouse, but that is all. He was actually seeking comfort from me!
In a couple of weeks, Charlie and I must make a 3-hour round trip to get his 8-week post-surgery X-rays, so Doris will be giving us another session this afternoon as a precursor to that trip. I am convinced that Doris, at Restored For Life, has a gift in applying her training in The Emotion Code and that this is having a tangible value for both Charlie and me. One unexpected bonus is that Doris has indirectly helped me see more clearly into his psyche, making it easy and fun to help provide both of our needs. It is amazing to me that such a calm, pleasant and relaxing time with Doris can end up providing such immense power for wholesome good. Thank you, Doris, and Restored For Life!
Joan Mootry, Owner
Spokane, WA, U.S.A.
Update: Since the above was written, we have devoted one whole article to the work done for and progress on Charlie. You can findi it on our blog site. The title of the article is: The Emotion Code Chart and Charlie the Rescue Dog. That post was published on November 25, 2017. We have since received an update which you can read here:
Update received December 28, 2017:
"Charlie is doing so very well. He trusts me implicitly except on rare occasions when I startle him, and that is due to his knee jerk reaction to cower to protect himself from his past abuse. He usually sleeps on my bed on his back with all four legs up which is a pose indicating complete trust. He rides well in the car. Still takes it pretty seriously, but no more vomiting or drooling!"

Sticks Restored - No Longer Labelled "Aggressive"

This story was first titled “Sticks – The Aggressive Dog”, so you see right away that this is an incredible story of transformation. Sticks came to my attention when I was looking for another animal “case study” for my certification. I worked with the owner by phone with the owner acting as proxy for Sticks. Both the owner and the dog live thousands of miles away from me, and we have never met.
Without reading any further, you can actually see the difference by looking at the two photos. The ”before” picture is shown to the left. The “after” picture (see below) shows a content family pet.
The owner had been told by her vet that this dog “will bite” and he recommended that she hire the services of a professional dog trainer knowledgeable in this area. Before our sessions ever started, Nicole, the owner, had spent considerable time and effort on her own working with her dog to overcome the “aggressive” label. The dramatic results that were accomplished so quickly in our sessions would not have been possible without all the excellent foundation work that had been done previously.
From the first session, Sticks downgraded her aggression remarkably. For clarification purposes,
this dog would have previously been aggressive to both children so even though this is a very small statistical sample, it is worthy to note that the dog was only aggressive towards one child. Using this example, it would mean that there was 50% improvement.
Here is what the owner wrote after our first session:
“I took my dog out in public again last night. She is clearly downgrading her aggression with people. In certain situations, she is even acting a little timid which I never saw in her before. That was pretty impressive. So all in all, so far she does seem quite a bit better. I am impressed. I even feel more comfortable being with her than I have in the past."

After 5 more sessions, we now see Sticks Restored. She now enjoys meeting new people, both adults and children. Her aggression has evaporated and the label of “will bite” no longer fits her. For example: At the dog park, when the owner throws the ball for her, Sticks will sometimes retrieve it to a stranger, or a child. She will choose an individual and drop the ball at the base of their feet and look to them expectantly – she wants them to play with her and throw the ball for her! Nicole is overjoyed and I am so happy to have been a part of that transformation. Working with animals is so rewarding!
The final words go to Nicole: “This is a great story. Great actually. She is now a family pet.”
Written by Admin with the permission and knowledge of Nicole Taylor, New Jersey, Owner of Sticks.
More pet testimonies coming soon. Pets have no agenda! And they respond so very well to Emotion Code and Body Code work!