¿Qué es la técnica de liberación subconsciente?

Eliminar bloqueos mentales y emocionales.
Detén los patrones negativos de tu pasado.
¡Asà que PUEDES crear la vida que estabas destinado a vivir!
La Técnica de Liberación Subconsciente Global SRT es cómo podemos sumergirnos profundamente en su subconsciente para encontrar y eliminar creencias limitantes y bloqueos para su curación.
También podemos ocuparnos de los recuerdos estresantes y dolorosos para quitarles el trauma.
Podemos eliminar el poder de las declaraciones de autosabotaje y reprogramar su mente (algunas personas prefieren llamarlo "reconceptualizar") su forma de pensar.
Algunos ejemplos de declaraciones negativas que tiene la gente:
¿Alguna vez has pensado algo como esto?
¿No merezco mejorar, conseguir ese trabajo o (completar los espacios en blanco)?
¿Merezco, por ejemplo, sufrir (complete los espacios en blanco)?
o, por ejemplo,
No soy lo suficientemente buena. No estoy a la altura. Necesito ser perfecto.
Foto de Roan Lavery on Unsplash
Ejemplos de temas que podemos cubrir
1. Cerebro especialmente para adicciones, abuso de drogas, comer en exceso, problemas de aprendizaje
2. Corazón
3. Sistema digestivo
4. Células sanguÃneas
5. Desequilibrios hormonales
6. Cualquier órgano/glándula/parte del cuerpo que necesite ayuda
7. Chakras y otras partes del sistema energético como el sistema corporal Aleph Tav
8. Problemas de relación para situaciones y personas que te provocan
p. ej. confianza rota, corazón roto, sentirse traicionado, abandonado, tristeza
9. Suspender
10.Casi cualquier cosa realmente....
Limiting Beliefs Eliminated The SRT Way
It is with great joy that I am announcing the new tool called SRT Global Subconscious Release Technique to address the subconscious mind with limiting beliefs and programs we likely have had since childhood. Do your positive affirmations work? Likely not! Why? Because of what is buried below your conscious awareness.
We can use this new tool to reconceptualize (some people prefer the word "reprogram") your past limitations so that you can reshape your future. You do not have to be a prisoner of your past! Nor do you have to be a victim any longer!
This new tool, along with the current tool, working together are truly dynamite!
Another testimony:
"I debated between my three deepest issues, and Doris found the core wounds which are the deepest to all three issues at once, which is amazing. The session was fun, I felt hugged and so much love that it was easy to let go of my deepest things that had the most pain, with Doris it felt easier than ever. I had several large breakthroughs, after years of trying many other things. This feels like the end of a bottomless pit I've felt, everything shifted in one session. Doris has amazing intuition, knows how to get to the gut and core of everything, all in a very loving and caring and special way which makes it feel so easy and simple." ~ Rakefet S., Israel
Need more proof?
Science has shown us time and again that voice and frequencies can affect our DNA. That first experiment of this kind was done in Russia by Pjotr Garjajev. A more recent publication in the Journal of Clinical Epigenetics titled Application of Sound Frequencies as an Epigenetic Tool is Reversing the Limiting Symptoms of Autism shows how seriously medicine is taking the science of energy frequencies.
This is the answer you have been looking for!
Experience the painless reprogramming (reconceptualization) of your mind. This process is suitable to also remove unwanted emotional and physical traumas. Experience the calm while you remain in control and confident throughout the process
We live in exciting days, indeed!
Time to be transformed! Get Restored For Life Now!
And remember, you are always in control!